Disinfection and environmental quality
Our Eco-Design approach: respecting Humans and the Environment
As part of our Eco-Design approach, we have set up a Quality, Safety and Environment (QSE) system, and developed the Aniosafe charter which, beyond the regulatory obligations, attests to our commitment to fighting microbes whilst respecting Humans and the Environment.
ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 Certification
Personnel safety and environment protection are our priority. This why, to push product quality and performance even higher, we have achieved ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 Certification in 2009 emphasizing the core values of Laboratoires Anios (certified to ISO 9001 since 2001).
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
- OHSAS 18001
Environmentally friendly manufacturing process
All the wastewater is treated via a purification plant installed on each site to avoid release to community systems, with a pollution rate below national standards. We optimize the consumption of rinsing water and ensure storage in a secondary containment facility in case of leakage…
Formulations incorporating environment protection
To ensure user and environment safety, our formulations are designed to reduce any impact on aquatic life and minimize the use of hazardous substances: this is the “common thread” of the Research Centre team.