Research and development in detergency and disinfection
Today like yesterday, research comes first!
Winning the fight against microbes, with you and for you, requires a highly responsive Research & Development department, provided with all the latest investigation tools in the fields of antimicrobial research, detergency, corrosion, and enzymology…
Our research today goes through the development of new formulations free of CMR and non-biodegradable substances. The phasing out of ETDA from formulations is also part of the steps taken in favour of the environment by the Anios Research Centre under the ANIOSAFE commitment.
In addition to developing new formulations, the Equipment Design Department is continuously researching into new equipment facilitating the use of ANIOS products.
We conduct extensive research in cooperation with experts from leading research centres, such as Institut Pasteur of Lille, CNRS, INRA, as well as with many French and foreign universities.
Research Centre
40 people, 3 Laboratories

Research Centre
Chemistry and formulation Microbiology Analytical chemistry
